Person Centred Software first launched the #GladtoCare campaign in 2018, now an annual week-long initiative, #GladtoCare aims to elevate the visibility of dedicated carers. #GladtoCare is designed to boost the profile of carers, who work extremely hard with very little public recognition. The campaign seeks to demonstrate appreciation to carers.
This year Person Centred Software’s aim with #GladtoCare Awareness Week is to continue to shine a light on all the incredible work within the social care industry and to provide support on how best to choose a care home for loved ones.
We have expanded its opportunity for all who get involved, through our special partnership with Care Home Open Week, supported by Championing Social Care! Together, we’re bringing you a week that is bigger and better than before, full of inspiration, connection, and celebration.
Following from last year having such an amazing response we will continue the wellbeing theme.
New this year, we will be introducing, Mental Health Monday, plan an afternoon outside of walking or gardening, Pilates with Ruth and a general feel-good mentality to the week.
Our Wellbeing & Activities Platform, along with their expert activity partners bring an enhanced schedule of fun and motivational activities to #Gladtocare.
All content is created by experts in wellbeing, mental health, dementia and nutrition with the aim to empower residents and staff in social care settings.
To find out more about our Wellness and Activities Platform click here.
Sign up to access the weeks' activity schedule, get access to your pack and receive reminders so you don’t miss out on the events!
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